The Ultimate EU Test Book Administrators 2020 is specially designed for candidates preparing for European Personnel Selection office (EPSO) competitions at Administrator (AD) level. It is relevant to all AD-level EPSO open competitions and CAST selections.
The 2020 edition is the biggest ever and full of strategies, advice and practice exercises. The focus is on the computer-based multiple choice question tests which prove an obstacle to so many.
Included are methodologies, warm-up exercises applying the methodologies step by step, and hundreds of practice questions with answer explanations showing shortcuts and common pitfalls. A brand new feature for 2020 is a specially designed warm-up exercise for tackling abstract reasoning questions, which give many candidates particular difficulties. The book also includes a detailed guide to the whole EPSO process for EPSO Administrator-level open and CAST competitions, explaining how to improve your chances and the common errors to avoid.
Note: Candidates for Assistant (AST or AST-SC) exams should use "The Ultimate EU Test Book Assistants 2020" and those who reach the final stage Assessment Centre should use "The Ultimate EU Test Book Assessment Centre 2020"